Saturday, April 24, 2010

There are different kinds of Judaism, just as there are different kinds of anything. I distinguish between them by the “things” they use as focal points.

There is the social Judaism of Jewry in the West, of acculturated but not at ease Jewry in places like the US, UK, Australia, Canada and the like.

There is the national religious Judaism of Mizrachi and Benei Aliva and Gush Emunim (the faith block, nationalist-religious Israelis) where the concept of am (nation) and eretz yisrayl (land) is used as a focussing device

There is the Judaism of cult of personality – or non personality – of groups like Chabad or the Gur chasidim.

There is the Judaism of liberalism and universalism, where Judaism is used to give sanction to the liberal, politicaly correct rights and individual choice centric mores of the 20th and 21st century. Egalitariansim, fluid tgender roles, same sex marriages, non discrimination, etc etc

There is the Judaism of the meshiach and intellectual process, here G-d serves as the justification for a very structured and boundaried approach to managing reality, the reason behind daily routines, which appeals to a particular type of personality. (where would they be located in the Enneagram??) The tradition of Lithuanian Jewry, with its great cerebral yeshivot which all serve a non-rational agenda are the prime example of this...

There is, very rarely, a G-d centred Judaism, where the divine obliterates all human distinctions, and it can no longer be called Judaism or anything else.

I imagine these categories exist in other faith communities as well.

A word about focussing devices: they cannot be too close, or too far.

So at the end of the Pesach/Passover seder / meal we say "LeShana haba beyerushalayim / next year in Jerusalem, and while we certainly want Jerusalem to be there, and continue being there (as a city? as a symbol? as a symbol of the Omnipresent? Then why locate Him/her in a particular city...let everywhere be Jerusalem) we also certainly don't want to be there, in Jerusalem, else we'd go and live there - nothing stops us except that there's no real reason to - or no connection - or not enough connection - so we might as well be saying next year in Alice Springs or Phuthaditchaba, because we certainly have no intention of living in those places either.

So we like the tzadik, the holy man, the guru as long as he doesn't tell us to stop making him a tzadik and do the work ourselves.

People sychophantically raved about mandela in the years after the transformation, as a substitute for becoming agents for transformation themselves, or for making personal sacrifices - and when I say people i certainly include myself.

I'm afraid of living in Israel
because there's so much reactivity there
so much unconscious stuff
the pain body, as Eckhart Tolle calls it, is so big and solidified
and I'm worried that, because I am not firmly established in clarity,
if I'm there I won't be able to help
I'll just become another part of the problem,
instead of the solution

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