Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How may I be of excellent service to you today?

 Scene in a restaurant:

Customer: waiter....waiter.
His friend: what do you want?
Customer: I just want them to bring us some water while we're waiting. Waiter. WAITER.
(eventually his gesticulating catches the attention of a waiter who comes over)
Waiter: what can I get you?
Customer: we've already ordered, but it seems to be taking a long time. can we get some water for the table please?
Waiter: Of course. would you like iced water or room temperature?
Customer: room temperature is fine.
Waiter. Room temperature it is. Two glasses or would you like me to bring a jug as well?
Customer: A jug would be good, especially if you're going to keep us waiting a long time for our food.
Waiter: (laboriously making notes on phone) jug....two temperature...right. Would you like that water fizzy or plain?
Customer: is there an additional charge for fizzy?
Waiter: No sir, it's all on the house
Customer. Fizzy then. Can you bring it starting to get thirsty from all these qiuestions.
Waiter: Certainly. Would you like your bubbles to be carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide? We have a machine that can do either...
Customer: However it comes. just bring some water.
Waiter: Would you like your water served in glasses or in this new line of biodgradable cups we're trying out?
Customer: I don't care!
Waiter: Please choose an option.
Customer. Glasses!
Waiter (laboriously records notes on phone). I'll be back very soon with your water.
Waiiter goes. Customer [plays angrily with his cutlery, waiting for the food, or the water, to appear. Eventually it does. Waiter puts down a jug of sparkling water with a slice of lemon in itm, and two cut crystal glasses.
Customer: At last.
The waiter hovers nearby as customer 2 pours customer 1 a glass of water, and then one for himself. they both drink.
Waiter: (stepping back close to the table) how is your water gentleman?
Customer 2; Its fine. its water.
Waiter: temperature ok?
Customer 1: yes, can you go and see where our order is
Waiter: certainly but may I ( he removes a tablet from a pocket in his apron) ask you just to give us some feedback and do a very quick customer satisfaction survey regarding your water experience with us?
Customer 1: No, I don't want to do any surveys. I came here to eat, not to look at screens. And I haven't had a "water experience'. i asked for water. you brought it. I've had a few sips and hope to have more while you find out where the food we ordered 30 minutes ago is.
Waiter: I'm sorry sir, I can't proceed to the next course until you take the survey. Its just one of the little ways we strive to improve our service and enhance customer satisfaction.
Customer 1: but you are creating a very dissatisfied customer here, that's my feedback!
Waiter: I'm sorry its restaurant policy, i don't make the rules. It's only take a minute (thrusts tablet at customer 1, customer 2 takes it)
Customer 2: I'll do it, just so we can get our food and get out of here. (He scrolls through, touching screen to answer multiple questions and give star ratings for multiple metriics regarding their 'water experience. Finishes, hands back to waiter.) There
Waiter: (takes tablet, looks at it, scrolls down) Do you mind me asking, sir, why you've only rated us 1 for service?
Customer 1 This is ridiculous, call the manager.
Waiter: i can do that for you, but first you need to fill in a complaint form ( scrolls and gestures on tablet), I'll just get it up for you... oh, sorry I have to get it off our intranet and I don't have the password on this one, I'll be back soon.
The waiter disappears.

Invisible Eyes


decades of trauma
plo massacres of school children
Israeli athletes castrated
by Black September

the psychic wounds
the open sores, a synecdochal sample: 1979
4 year old Einat Haran, skull smashed in by samir kuntar, who murders her father Danny Haran,
baby sister Yael Haran suffocates to death while terrified mother tries to keep her from crying and
revealing their hiding place.
upshot? upon release from Israeli prison in prisoner exchange kuntar awarded Syria's highest medal
and honoured by Iranian President mahmoud ahmadinejad

invisibilise the successful
torpedoing of the Oslo accords by
wave after wave
of hamas suicide bombings
blowing up teenagers at a
leaving dancers armless and legless
or pensioners at a pesach seder
hands trembling a little
as they navigate
spoon to mouth and then trembling no more
bits of flesh in the chandeliers

twisted buses, twisted bus stops
charred bodies, only dna
may establish who they were
as they headed to market
to buy tomatoes and cucumbers

invisibilise the stabbings
teenagers taken to caves
their hands bound, bodies punctured
with knife wounds

bombs backed with rusty nails
and bolts to tear flesh apart

invisibilise 19 year old
Ori Ansbacher
raped and murdered while walking home
"the Zionist bitch deserved it, she had the temerity
to live in the land of her ancestors"
later the grove planted in her memory destroyed by Palestinian vandals.

invisibilise the psychological torture, the television threats
to the descendants and remnants of a genocide
"we'll destroy you just as you were destroyed 75
years ago"

invisibilise the relentless cyber attacks
the gross charicatures, the demonisation, the dehumanisation

invisibilise the
pile on
by trade unions, professional associations, teachers, academics, artists, journalists, all suddenly and
myopically focussed on their shadow aspects of self projected onto Israel. Safe. easy. Convenient.
How many Israel lovers you gonna rub shoulders with at work or in your book club?

invisibilise the war in Sudan
8.5 million on brink of starvation
and Yemen, Xianjing, Tibet, Myanmar
no poems for them
no self righteous indignation
no resolutions in council
no marches in the street

invisibilise the ecocide
the daily missiles made in Iran
setting zionist planted forests ablaze and driving
terrified jackals and hedgehogs and lizards who manage to escape the flames towards the illusion of
the fruit
rotting on the trees
farmers unable to attend to their crops

invisibile the kidnapped,
the raped and then murdered
a red haired baby and toddler bother, whole family
snatched out of their home
whereabouts unknown
corpses of murdered Israelis left to rot
in subterranean tunnels

Judih Weinstein Haggai, seventy years old
an English teacher, poet, peace activist who worked with children with special needs. Used
meditation and mindfulness techniques to treat children suffering from anxiety caused by years of
rocket fire that have plagued residents of the Gaza border area. murdered with her 72 year old
husband Gadi Haggai on October 7,
along with Thai workers, Beduin,
Russian, French, US, UK, Ukranian nationals

the high on Captagon crazed Islamists
shoving machine gun barrels up the bloody vaginas
of the women they've just gang raped
or towing dissidents roped behind motorbikes
around the streets of gaza
throwing homosexuals and political rivals off
rooftops, enforcing a terrible homogenity and
preaching maediaval blood libels
and then
weave some kind of fairy tale that this
regressive barbarism
"the resistance"

close one eye
so you only see gaza
not the other side of the border
so you don't see the North of Israel
depopulated by more missiles than the blitz
150 000 more
pointing at you

close one eye
so you only see the snippet
not the before or after

close both eyes
so you don't see yourself
staring back at you in the mirror
preaching and sanctimoniously stealing
your cheap and easy rectitude

one thing I know for sure
if you sat where Israelis sat
you'd be doing a whole lot
worse than them

Monday, August 5, 2024

Politically correct ad for educating around informed consent

VO "Get the you know when consent has been given?

VISUALS all kinds of couples for inclusivity - gay couples,  a person in a wheelchair with a partner who has both breasts and a penis, multi ethnic lesbian couples, a pair of wrinkled and naked 80 year olds embracing as one balances themselves with a walking stick, 

CUT TO hetrosexual younger couple are having at it, making the beast with two backs, the female urges the man on, yes yes yes, he is pumping away, intense passion, 

Her: yes yes yes darling, fuck me....

he groans she moans, she groans , he moans....

Him: oohh I'm about to ...

Her: STOP, STOP, I withdraw consent. 

Him: I'm coming oooh.....sorry, sorry too late

Her: you bastard , you raped me.

Freeze frame of this scene; big red graphic over it ...

Consent has not been given! this is stautory rape! 

Naked man is taken away in handcuffs cupping his penis as best he can