Thursday, December 31, 2020

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Gus Ferguson 1940-2020


I learnt via FB this morning that a high school friend of mine, aged 58, has dropped her body. Cancer. An excellent wake up call for me to take nothing for granted and to stop sweating the small stuff.
And then this evening I learnt that poet, publisher, illustrator, pharmacist and all round good guy and mensch Gus Ferguson has also departed these shores. I first encountered his poetry aged about 16, in 1980, when I bought his collection Snail Morning at the Market Theatre book shop. It was probably the first collection of poems I had ever purchased, and I bought it because
a) I'd read an article about him and
b) Some kids who knew his kids and him had moved to our school - (Fran Seftel you know who you are).
I loved the gentle whimsical poems ostensibly about snails, and the Quentin Blake-like illustrations Gus did himself. After a long hiatus, when I returned to South Africa around 1991, Gus regularly published my poems in the various poetry journals he brought out - Slugnews and Carapace being the two I remember. That he managed to keep Carapace running for as long as he did, on a shoestring budget, is testament to his creativity, determination, persistence and vision. He gave hundreds of wannabe and established poets a platform where the barriers to entry were somehow more permeable that those of New Coin and New Contrast and the other poetry journals that mostly folded after a couple of editions.
Gus also has (had?) a poetry imprint, Snailpress, which probably published more South African poets in the last thirty years than any other publisher. There is no money in poetry, and that he kept its doors open for as long as he did is again testament to his great love for poetry, and for nurturing and facilitating the creativity of others. Snailpress co-published both of my collections (Hidden and Revealed 2007, Ripening 2020) together with Marcia Leveson's Quartz Press. For this I remain deeply grateful to Gus.
His own poems were full of humour and kindness, self-deprecating wit and a profound reverence for the G-d of little things. He was a great lover of the small and humble, and wrote with a twinkle in his heart that ignited the same gentle wonder in the hearts of others. The last collection of his I have - his seventh - is titled "Dubious Delights - of ageing and other follies" and I share six of the delightful poems in it, by way of tribute to Gus Ferguson.
The first poem was prescient:
Those things that you wish
to remember are not lost
or forgotten; but
packed up and sent on ahead
I read all the classics. I studied the news.
I stared at my navel. I still had the blues.
I trudged in the mountains. I walked by the sea.
I carried a burden. The burden was me.
I put myself down and, with consumate ease,
I floated away in the afternoon breeze.
But who is this self that is free from all woe?
And what is the burden abandoned below?
These are the thoughts, and many such more
that trouble me now as I weightlessly soar
The house is quiet
because, perhaps
he isn't talking
Peelable fruits
are eaten first:
avocado, banana, pawpaw.
At room temperature
the stove is at its most
The grannies
in detergent ads
are suddenly sexy.
Its probably
projection but the goldfish
appear depressed.
He watches TV
the cats watch the dog
the dog watches him.
They eat together-
they crunch pellets
he crunches granola.
Preparing to cook
he absent-mindedly
eats the ingredients.
The phone rings.
He lurches -
it's only a poet.
In mute soliloquy
he prowls the house -
a bit like Hamlet.
And how could a Gus Ferguson sampler not have a poem or two about snails?
Along the Rue d'Escargot
we always travel very slow
When nights are long and lights are low
the sky's a lovely silver glow.
Along the Rue d'Escargot
we heave our heavy portmanteaux
that hold dark secrets none should know
and that is why we go so slow
along the Rue d'Escargot
In your wake
the starlight glistens
listen how
the cosmos listens
And last, but not least Gus's simple acknowledgement of how we are all on the great wheel....what he refers to as Sam sara sara in another poem elsewhere in the same collection.
They are all
dead or dying,
the parents of our friends.
And we,
inadequately trained
are bustled to the front

Sunday, November 15, 2020

I don't need my body to be well in order to be happy

Deconstructing the thought (or belief) that my happiness depends upon having a well body.

Here are some associated beliefs that it is worth taking some time to question:

I have a body - True/ False/Don't Know?

The body is "mine" - True/ False/ Don't Know? (and if I am the owner of the body, then what am I?)

I know what constitutes wellness - True/ False/Don't Know?

(Hint: wellness means my body can do what I think it "should" be doing. As Byron Katie says "who needs G-d when we have your opinion") 

I know what I need to get done in this world, in this lifetime - True/ False/Don't Know?

I am the doer - True/ False/Don't Know? (or does doing just happen and I find out about it post facto? Check your experience)

Monday, October 19, 2020

Down With Catipalism

When I was a student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1990, I had this idea for a little comic. I think I had Sting's line from his song "Englishman in New York" floating around in my head. I asked my friend Porat, who was studying fine art at Betzalel, Israel's premier art school, if he knew anyone who could draw cartoon-like illustrations and he suggested an American woman, Liz Fainberg, who was also studying at Betzalel at the time. I think she did a good job.

(Click on each panel to see whole image)


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Batya Jaspan

My cousin-by-marriage Batya Jaspan (nee Dredzen) was born in a small gold rush era hamlet called Pilgrim's Rest, in the picturesque Mpumalanga province of South Africa. Her parents owned the general store there which is now preserved as one of the town's Victorian era buildings

She was an earth mother figure, maternal, kind, strong, principled, taking under her wing many waifs and strays - including myself - who over the years wondered in and out of the kibbutz. Batya was born Cecile, but as a teenager in the socialist Zionist, avowedly secular Habonim youth movement she changed it to Batya, which ironically means in Hebrew "daughter of G-d". She left South Africa in 1949, and helped establish the new kibbutz, Tzora, in the Judean foothills, about midway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. In this photograph, taken circa 1952, she is holding her first child Yael.

The next black and white photograph shows Tzora in 1954.

Batya said later in her life said she may have unconsciously gravitated towards Tzora because its hilly location was quite similar to the hills around Pilgrim's Rest.

Batya lived on Tzora, with her life long friend, husband and partner Zvi Jaspan, from 1950 until her death in 2016.

This poem was written in 2016.

KADDISH (lezichra shel Batya Jaspan z"l)

May the name that every person
takes or makes
be blessed enough
as was yours
child of God

Not knighted or praised,
not glorified and exalted,
not extolled and adored and lauded,
but yes, honoured
and well regarded

not so much just your name,
but the work of your hands
and your heart

blessed she

above and beyond all the blessings,
hymns, praises and consolations
that are clung to in this world

May the earnest prayers
of all the House of Israel
be accepted by the Source
That walks amidst the trees
of the hills of Yehudah
and who is here
in the Dining Room
and the Clinic
and the Children's Home
where you worked 

may there be abundant peace from the cotton fields
contentment, equilibrium, satisfaction, help,
comfort, refuge, redemption, forgiveness,
remembering and forgetting
for us and for all who love

May the One who makes peace low and high grant peace
upon us and on all those who mourn
that the light has flickered and dimmed for a while
before it shines again from the North and South
from the East and from the West
above Tzora and
Pilgrims Rest

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Ology

If you want to understand G-d
look to the lifecycle of the May Fly…/the-mayflys-lifecycle-a-fasci…/amp/

Monday, March 16, 2020

Opportunity knocks

What is regarded as normative by some people I see as collective insanity.

Once the virus has past, will we clothe ourselves again in casinos and sports "betting", in cruise ships and socially sanctioned addictions, in behaviours of sedation and control, in the commodification of the human body to sell products, in infomercials and cosmetics and plastic surgery and fashion, in factory farms where calves are ripped from their mothers so we can drink the milk intended for them, in slaughter houses where writhing pigs are lowered in gondolas to be gassed, in casual travel to escape "boredom", in eating when we are not hungry, in the excessive consumption of useless and anxiety reinforcing 'information', in daily indoctrination into share markets and sport as weapons of mass distraction... or will the chance to realise we need none of these linger for a while? 

I hope many of us will take this opportunity to rediscover new and old ways of sharing resources, building resilient relationships and local communities, coming together, and experiencing bliss and contentment from simple pleasures that have been overlooked.

This show must not go on

Two years ago I was "forced" to attend the Royal Easter Show for work, and for me it was a chamber of horrors and an exhibition par excellance of our complete commodification of animals. I recall seeing an extremely large man with a face as hard and as frozen as granite, in jeans and an Akubra (cowboy) hat tugging a show calf along by his/her nose ring, to an uncertain fate, probably first as a trophy and later to the slaughter house.

One of my clients wanted to see all of the "cute" animal exhibits. We went into a large hall where crowds thronged, and reached an enclosure where several women, also in jeans and akubra hats held squealing piglets upside down by their hind legs and invited the crown to feel the baby animals soft bellies - " from which gloves are made" they commented. One girl in the crowd asked why the piglets were squealing. "Oh that's just the noise they make" explained a pig woman.

After my client had ooohhed and aaaahed over the goats, chickens, sheep and pigs he got hungry, so he headed over to the food court where he bought himself a massive pig sausage, dipped in batter, and deep fried. He ate about two-thirds of it, but it was too much for him to finish so he threw the rest away.

Poems 2020 - 5780

I received a letter
summoning me to the palace of the king
and I was full of fear
but on the appointed day
I caught the bus
and waited at the gates of the palace
along with many others
and at the appointed time
the king emerged and said:
"you have all been awarded
our medal for extraordinary valour. I shall now read
the detailed citation, before you each receive your badge:
This honour is bestowed
for getting out of bed each day
ungumming tired eyes with caffeine and news blare
shaving, showering
strapping on your amour and, leaving behind
the familiar, the comforting, the loved,
the seemingly urgent things
that want attending to,
and stepping out
into the unknown, the unsafe,
the unreasonable, the uncomfortable,
or the merely dull and grey....
and doing it every day
again and again and again
and again
and then
when your day or night shift is over
returning home as your sacred duty
to fix whatever needs fixing most
to shlep whomever needs shlepping
to feed who ever is available to be fed
to put yourself and them to bed
perhaps to lie awake in dread
until sleep salves your weary head
again and again and again
and again."
And the king bent down
for he was tall
and when it was my turn
he pinned the medal to my lapel
and the prongs of the medal
pierced the wall of my chest
like swords, and went into the
inner chambers of my heart
which had been broken
and the King's kintsugi
filled the cracks
with an orange-silver-greenish-purple
yellow golden light
that made my heart more whole
than it had always been
somehow larger
than every sorrow
like the wailing wall
which is much better
than the Temple that
lorded above it once.
and I caught the bus back home
with the medal
and my heart
singing in my chest
All of space and time
appear in it
but It has no location
or duration
my body shines
and sets in It
but it has no
feet or hands
My youth was rich
with aunties and uncles
and first cousins
in ample supply
but now these precious resources
have dwindled
and only a few lights remain
scattered around the world
waiting for some future
of the flame of family
The day will come
when patriots of all stripes
will proudly show off
their aged care villages
their animal shelters
their rehabilitation and recycling centres
the disused slaughter houses
the horse whipping tracks
turned into public parks
well maintained safe houses
for women and children
the man caves where young men
can find older wholer men to mentor them
the hospitals with extra capacity.
"These are the places
lonely people can get a hug
and here is where struggling parents
can get help and advice
and this is the govt funded
safety net
where those who have fallen into despair
receive, without conditions,
an encouraging word and an encouraging meal
here are our billboards
urging people to live within their means
and these are
the human libraries
where school children go
to hear refugees and folk-not-like-us
share their stories"
In our beautiful cities
and hamlets
everything that was once
hidden and forgotten
embraced and displayed
in this country, my country, your country

This is the face you must wear
when reading a sad item on the news
and this is the face you must wear
while you are singing a hymn
this is the face you must wear
when stopped by a person in uniform
and this is the face you must wear
when you are one of a group of uniforms
this is the face you must wear
in a reality tv show
this is the voice you must use
when you contribute to a meeting
and this is the voice you must use
when telling people it is for their own safety
Advice to Self

Whether you are running uphill
or rolling down
or rolling uphill
and crawling down

lying on your dentist's chair
or in your lover's embrace
witnessing impermanent pain
or witnessing impermanent pleasure

don't defer
don't delay
don't resist
don't wait
don't leave your peace to chance
rest now
rest deep
rest sweet
in your


Above every blade of grass
is an angel with a walking stick
that taps the grass
and tells it
and above every body-mind
is an angel that taps it
with the unforseen
and tells it to
"let go"
(First appeared on FB Dec 8th) 

When I have
a panic attack
or a panic attack
has me
I remind myself
to let go
and let G-d
drop those shoulders
belly breathe
tongue tip gently touching
upper front teeth
the blow I'm believing
will land is a kiss
that delivers me up
unto peace and bliss (from FB Dec 7th)

I cannot know for certain

if the trees whisper to each other

I cannot say they do not

I cannot be certain when the dairy cow


if tis sorrow or something


which should not give cause

for any shifts

from the way things are

the way things are

how mighty

how immovable

its common sense

that a cry goes with pain

but to follow common sense

is to wade into a swamp

death threats, waves of hatred

ugly things in your mailbox



May I let go
of what packs its bags and leaves
and welcome warmly
what's knocking on the door
bracha = blessing
5781 = the new Jewish year, which began Friday evening, September 18 2020

My work
is to stand here and feel
what has not been felt
for a thousand years
When he cried
G-d licked his ear
and when no one else came
death did not forsake him
a switch
the mosquitoes, flies,and cockroaches
have returned
and the
and the

Because I am innocent
I am given this tree
and this stoep
on which I sit
gazing upon it
and were the universe created
just for this
it would have been worth it

C'mon G-d
you're doing well
one more big push
here comes
the universe
The weight of my grief
is like the weight of a security blanket
warm, familiar
and comforting
hello grief
how are you today
and what is it
you would like to say?

My dad had a sweet smile.
And so do I.
It is helpful
to learn to read
the silence
it does not mean
a desperate longing
for something, anything
to lift the weight
from your heart
it is not a dreadful
echo of your thoughts
that must be drowned
with alcohol
or numbing blaring tv
this silence
is gentle, it quietens the
jangling nerves, calms
the pounding heart,
empties you
of worry and regret
fills you
with acceptance
it is not around you
it is inside you
it does not bury you
it carries you
it is not a cage
but a womb

The quiet
and stillness
of the late afternoon
autumn sun
on the plant
on the table
in Sydney
is not
so very different
from the quiet
and stillness
of the late afternoon
autumn sun
on the table
in Johannesburg
and are both
much the same
as the quiet
and stillness
of the later afternoon
autumn sun
in Jerusalem
the quiet
and stillness
are not
in Sydney, or Johannesburg
or Jerusalem
but in you

My son asked me if I was
willing to buy him
some "organic, grass fed beef"
and I thought about the castrated
18 month old steer
with his big brown
tear stained eyes
and the tremor and swish of the tail
as he waited, unable to turn back,
to be turned into mince,
and because I do not know his name
and know my son's
and wish to feed him,
and that he feels fed, I put
the cling wrapped plastic tray
with the remanant of the steer's body
into my shopping bag
and like Yehuda Amichai
apologised, acknowledged,
excused, sedated
and surrendered
seven times
I am not G-d
I am not G-d
I am not
אושר לערבים
אושר למתנחלים
אושר לשמאלנים
אושר ל"בוגדים"
אושר לקיבוצניקים
אושר לדרוזים
אושר לחושבים אחרים
אושר לימינים
אושר לאנשים עירומים
אושר לחרדים
אושר למפגינים
אושר למתונים
אושר לסובלנים
אושר לצדקניים
אושר לחיילים
אושר לבני קשישים
אושר לבדואים
אושר לדגים
אושר לפיקחים
אושר למדודים
אושר לציפורים
אושר לכל מי
שנמצא בפנים

2020 in review /REPORTERS NOTEBOOK 2020

Alternative facts
deep state
(of depression)

A day at the racism.
Justice for clouds.
Human wrongs.
Down with gravity.



the love of trees
the love of leaves
the love that leaves
the love that grieves
the love that sees
the love that is blind


True Blue

Our burgers
are made from Australian beef
raised by Australian farmers
who, after drinking Australian spirits
punch their Australian wives,
and drive over Australian wombats and emus,
until their Australian anger

Our burgers
are made from Australian beef
killed in Australian slaughterhouses
by Australian workers
born in 17 different countries
one of whom
in his tea break
checks his sports betting app
only to find
his Australian horse,
leg broken,
has been politely green-screened
and shot with
an Australian bullet

Even as Laika
was chained into her
cubicle, she licked the
hands that fastened
monitors to her, and
wagged her tail
as much as the tiny
space would allow.
Then they closed
the hatch as she
looked, puzzled out.
Before she died
from overheating
perhaps she realized
that the sun
the moon
the stars
were her only friends


Made with Australian hands
and Australian nervous systems
using Australian corn
Australian molecules and only
the finest
Australian atoms
for Australian conditions and

Australian digestive systems.


please lie on your back and tell me...
what do those cloud patterns say?

What letters do the seeds
on these salted brinjals form?
what is the smallest happiness
you can discern?


"They gave their lives...."

No. Their lives were taken
while they were doing
their best to keep them: Unexpectedly,
A land mine under the left tire;
shot by 'friendly' fire;
an overturned APC;
mortar fragments in the carotid artery.
"They gave their lives..."

No, their lives were taken.

Advice to management

Don't stuff your sadness and sorrow away
in some inner cupboard
but don't plump them up
like cushions either
just leave them in plain sight
and see what happens


Let my love
burst its banks
and drown
every story


 אלהי מתני תפתחו
ואגני תגידו תהילתך
O Lord
Open my hips
and my groins
will declare your praise

My friend had a dream
in which we were
joined at Café Zigolinis,
by her dead-at-ninety father,
as dapper as ever,
dressed in a pristine 

blue suit and tie
skin smooth and unblemished
(she'd last seen him withered)

And after we'd sat for a while
he bounced up
announced he was going home
brushed away her offer of assistance,
and walked off with a spring in his step

for death had taken years off his life.

While waiting for the world to end
I made a list of things to be:
a singer, a surgeon,
a bat in a cage
a knower of things I can't see

a farmer
a dolphin
a clear muddy stream
on its way to
becoming the sea

Someone is always
ripping a hole
in the heart of the world
someone is always
turning it
into a skylight



Snot is salty
tears are sweet
the Lord has neither
hands or feet

Like a gambler
licking his lips
and feeding coins
into a slot machine
G-d feeds poems
into my head
hoping one of them
will hit the jackpot



Like a gambler
licking his lips
and feeding coins
into a slot machine

hoping one of them
will hit the jackpot
G-d feeds poems
into my head
hoping one of them
will hit the jackpot

and reveal Himself

And G-d
planted man
in the Garden of Eden.
And he grew roots
like a tree.
And wings like a bird.
And that's why he's pulled


This is something that it helps to know:
G-d takes you where you're required to go


I'm so sappy (or hapad)

even without the corona virus
things would not have been the same
despite appearances
they never are



suddenly One that was alive
is dead
suddenly the Tomato that was Green
is Red


He got away
under cover of light

cloudy apple juice
made only with apples
and clouds


I am like a midwife
doing my rounds
in the ragged quarters
helping my clients
and myself
give birth
to a little

What is memory
but clinging
to a
branch or rock,
as the river of time
takes you on


A note to the pesach lamb

Its zeman cheyrooteynoo*
so please don't bleat
we don't want to hurt you
we just want your meat

zeman cheyrooteynoo - Hebrew: the time of our freedom, Passover

“Have a nice day”

don’t have a nice day
because nice excludes 99.99 percent of human experience
have an awful day
have a sad day
have a numb day, if that’s what’s there is today
have an ever shifting day
have an inscrutable moonbeam palace day
have a real day
have an authentic day
have an awe inspiring sink to your knees rise to the heavens day
have a dirty day
have an incoherent, fits of laughter day
have a surprising day
have a don’t have day
have a lie in bed paralysed day
have a peaceful contentment and acceptance day
have a step in shit day
have a glorious day of ease
have a dunno what kind of day this is day
have a rough hewed jagged day
have a day you have day


Intimations of Immortality

at 2am
a 93 year old woman
tried to escape the aged care facility
she waited til the guard went
to make himself a cup of tea
then moving as fast
as her walker would allow
shuffled through the marble lobby 
and the sliding glass doors
out into the parking lot but
trying to scale the fence
fell and broke her hip
so she's back on the ward
yet for a moment
she was so close
to how it used to be
she could smell
wafting through the palings
from her recently 
put-up-for-sale house
in the garden
blooming, its arms
open to receive her.

disposable income
disposable plates
disposable bags
disposable cups
disposable cutlery
disposable packaging
disposable wipes
disposable razors
disposable masks
disposable staff
disposable stuff
disposable trays
disposable cloths
disposably syringes
disposable dressings
disposable gloves
disposable panties
disposable gowns
disposable nappies

indisposable earth
I'm still waiting to see
the subversive website
where hungry people
can go to peep
at the pornography 
of intimacy
wherein you can watch:
people offering to do the dishes
brushing their lover's thinning hair
giving or receiving a foot rub
bringing the other a cup of
or when the other is unwell or unable
helping them dress or
go to the toilet while still
keeping in sight and heart
their irreducible dignity 

Covet 19

I saw on the news
there has been a serious outbreak
of contentment
the government
and chamber of business
are working hard to contain it


With apologies to Fernando Pessoa

For a baby
the breast
is a little larger
than the entire universe


Young women
casually sling their

over their


when the wheels
come off
they run up hill
down dale
and free

like we


chubby little boy
sweet smile
untainted by unanchored intellect
innocence incarnate
Douglas his real name
at age six
back with the Lord

better not to know
than to be unkind

no body is immune


My ex wife is bitter
that I kept
autonomous walking devices
and was not of the
anti-rodent party:
guilty as charged


Burnt offering

Now that the fires have abated a little
let us use the reprieve wisely
to build containment lines
around out-of-control marketing
which invites us to endlessly devour
more than the body can contain
or the earth can offer

let us rebuild our neighbour's houses
and our own
not out of inflammatory convenience
and instant non-gratification
but out of slow-burning, meaningful journeys
which are long enough to reveal
the true value of things

let us prepare stockpiles of joy
and connection
so that people do not stream like lemmings
to horse races and bars,
cruise ships and neon malls
hungry for excitement and escape
but instead nourish themselves
with a soft internal rainfall
that falls in a measure that the
earth heart can absorb,

and dance like the breeze
that wafts from nowhere
to caress and kiss
new growth


אבינו שבשמים
שבתוככי ובתוכך,
שרק האשליה החולפת של העור
מפרידה בינינו

Our father
who art in heaven
and in the earth
in me
and in you
and that only the fleeting illusion
of skin
divides us

I stop at a
lost in time
in the shire
staffed by a humble
hard working
immigrant Chinese
man and wife team
whose children will be
proctologists and actuaries
and order fish and chips
which arrives
not as greasy as I remember
but just as burpacious
and wash it down
with plastic tasting coke
just to be who I was
forty years ago

On the last day of the world
the shops held a mega sale
the flames were licking at the door
as people
in their bargains

In an eatery
a man
playing a role of waiter
and I
playing a role of patron
glimpsed each other

but he did not know how
or did not want to
take off his mask

and I did not want 
or did not know how
to put mine on


On this
vaster and vaster
and more
than more


If I fall over
in the parking lot
I know the birds
will take this body
into their hearts
and say kaddish for me


Give us this day
our daily sedation:
share prices
the smiling death masks
of "news" anchors


If only I had a bigger smart phone
I could sit in restaurants all on my own
I'd always have somewhere 

that I can call home
I wouldn't get bored when I am alone
if only I had a bigger smart phone


One day I looked down
and there was a pair of old men's legs
attached to a young man's mind
I wonder who they belong to?


Slow it down
slow it down
slow it down to the ground
slow it down to the sound
of the breath in your chest
slow in down slow it down
so what's frantic can rest
slow it down slow it down
til what's mislaid
is found


stop the world turning
stop the stars burning
stop the heart yearning
would I if I could?

 (Feb 29 copied from Facebook) 

I lean my head
against the side of my house
and wail
and thus it becomes
my wailing wall


Like a merchant
who spreads out his wares
in what he imagines is an attractive way
to seduce passers by into his stall

so have I
spread out my imaginary wares
to seduce you
into loving me

and like a merchant who
knowing the call to enter
must come from within
not without

and who
can no longer wait

I take off my vestments

and step through the gate

My feet
are no longer
allowed to go out

I am staring into
the abliss

stick to the plan
o son of man
and find your dignity
wherever you can



Cooler conditions
are suing fire fighters
for taking advantage of them

A deeper love

how i loved
every moment
of the journey
every rock and pebble
every fish and slime
the sluggishness of silt
and the rush of the canyon
but now
a greater love calls


may all beings
be happy and free
starting with me

(for South Africans of my vintage:)

three things I remember:
public telephone booths reeking of urine
trolley buses


I played hide
and seek
with G-d
and G-d
my hiding place.

That's All.


Man dies
in submerged


Mayachorei HaPargod (Behind the curtain)

There is a three dimensional cinema
without ceiling or floor or walls
and into it the universe is projected
and behind the lens of the projector
is a curtain
and behind the curtain



Although the atoms are enraged
I remain calm

I come home
to the dog and
the boys have tidied up
and G-d
is all over the house


on the long trip
back to the office
when I get lonely
if I could give G-d a call
I would


Please G-d turn us into
a wall of steel
that stops the trophy hunters' bullet
into medicine
that heals the sick
that feeds the hungry
a blazing fire
that warms the cold
a waterfall that
slakes the parched
