Thursday, September 10, 2015

Languaging and conflict

This piece could have had a longer heading: languaging and the role it plays in creating and maintaining inner and outer conflict.

For sure our language does not just reflect our reality -it also creates it.

We build our case for or against with the language we use. By relanguaging we release our own blockages.

Words that evoke the passions,desire for revenge etc etc

Words that evoke guilt / anger

Words that evoke illness

Words that evoke dysfunction

Words that evoke the sympathy/ saving reflex


post personal "therapy"

what is shame?

What do each of these three sentences focus on?

He was murdered
he was killed
he died

defending something doesn't mean you are for it

Two observations:

1) Verbal violence may be a substitute for physical violence, but often it is the precursor of it.

2) First comes the narrative then the selection of "facts":
Thus it is with everything from domestic violence to popular "causes"


Out of words like "occupation" "settlers" "ethnic cleansing" "apartheid" "racist" "murderers" etc
the passions are ignited
self avoidance sanctioned
a fashion forged
a mob coalesced
a noose knotted ...

labels for things I am saying "no" to:

right wing

A discourse analysis of the language employed by SBC and ABC in their coverage of the "Israel-Palestine" conflict.

The war on drugs
or on child pornography or domestic violence
is all very well
but what about the war on disconnection,
the war on poor parenting,
the war on meaningless,
the war on inauthenticity and the commodification of relationships
the war on isolation
the war on the vanished past and the imaginary future?

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