Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How may I be of excellent service to you today?

 Scene in a restaurant:

Customer: waiter....waiter.
His friend: what do you want?
Customer: I just want them to bring us some water while we're waiting. Waiter. WAITER.
(eventually his gesticulating catches the attention of a waiter who comes over)
Waiter: what can I get you?
Customer: we've already ordered, but it seems to be taking a long time. can we get some water for the table please?
Waiter: Of course. would you like iced water or room temperature?
Customer: room temperature is fine.
Waiter. Room temperature it is. Two glasses or would you like me to bring a jug as well?
Customer: A jug would be good, especially if you're going to keep us waiting a long time for our food.
Waiter: (laboriously making notes on phone) jug....two temperature...right. Would you like that water fizzy or plain?
Customer: is there an additional charge for fizzy?
Waiter: No sir, it's all on the house
Customer. Fizzy then. Can you bring it starting to get thirsty from all these qiuestions.
Waiter: Certainly. Would you like your bubbles to be carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide? We have a machine that can do either...
Customer: However it comes. just bring some water.
Waiter: Would you like your water served in glasses or in this new line of biodgradable cups we're trying out?
Customer: I don't care!
Waiter: Please choose an option.
Customer. Glasses!
Waiter (laboriously records notes on phone). I'll be back very soon with your water.
Waiiter goes. Customer [plays angrily with his cutlery, waiting for the food, or the water, to appear. Eventually it does. Waiter puts down a jug of sparkling water with a slice of lemon in itm, and two cut crystal glasses.
Customer: At last.
The waiter hovers nearby as customer 2 pours customer 1 a glass of water, and then one for himself. they both drink.
Waiter: (stepping back close to the table) how is your water gentleman?
Customer 2; Its fine. its water.
Waiter: temperature ok?
Customer 1: yes, can you go and see where our order is
Waiter: certainly but may I ( he removes a tablet from a pocket in his apron) ask you just to give us some feedback and do a very quick customer satisfaction survey regarding your water experience with us?
Customer 1: No, I don't want to do any surveys. I came here to eat, not to look at screens. And I haven't had a "water experience'. i asked for water. you brought it. I've had a few sips and hope to have more while you find out where the food we ordered 30 minutes ago is.
Waiter: I'm sorry sir, I can't proceed to the next course until you take the survey. Its just one of the little ways we strive to improve our service and enhance customer satisfaction.
Customer 1: but you are creating a very dissatisfied customer here, that's my feedback!
Waiter: I'm sorry its restaurant policy, i don't make the rules. It's only take a minute (thrusts tablet at customer 1, customer 2 takes it)
Customer 2: I'll do it, just so we can get our food and get out of here. (He scrolls through, touching screen to answer multiple questions and give star ratings for multiple metriics regarding their 'water experience. Finishes, hands back to waiter.) There
Waiter: (takes tablet, looks at it, scrolls down) Do you mind me asking, sir, why you've only rated us 1 for service?
Customer 1 This is ridiculous, call the manager.
Waiter: i can do that for you, but first you need to fill in a complaint form ( scrolls and gestures on tablet), I'll just get it up for you... oh, sorry I have to get it off our intranet and I don't have the password on this one, I'll be back soon.
The waiter disappears.

Invisible Eyes


decades of trauma
plo massacres of school children
Israeli athletes castrated
by Black September

the psychic wounds
the open sores, a synecdochal sample: 1979
4 year old Einat Haran, skull smashed in by samir kuntar, who murders her father Danny Haran,
baby sister Yael Haran suffocates to death while terrified mother tries to keep her from crying and
revealing their hiding place.
upshot? upon release from Israeli prison in prisoner exchange kuntar awarded Syria's highest medal
and honoured by Iranian President mahmoud ahmadinejad

invisibilise the successful
torpedoing of the Oslo accords by
wave after wave
of hamas suicide bombings
blowing up teenagers at a
leaving dancers armless and legless
or pensioners at a pesach seder
hands trembling a little
as they navigate
spoon to mouth and then trembling no more
bits of flesh in the chandeliers

twisted buses, twisted bus stops
charred bodies, only dna
may establish who they were
as they headed to market
to buy tomatoes and cucumbers

invisibilise the stabbings
teenagers taken to caves
their hands bound, bodies punctured
with knife wounds

bombs backed with rusty nails
and bolts to tear flesh apart

invisibilise 19 year old
Ori Ansbacher
raped and murdered while walking home
"the Zionist bitch deserved it, she had the temerity
to live in the land of her ancestors"
later the grove planted in her memory destroyed by Palestinian vandals.

invisibilise the psychological torture, the television threats
to the descendants and remnants of a genocide
"we'll destroy you just as you were destroyed 75
years ago"

invisibilise the relentless cyber attacks
the gross charicatures, the demonisation, the dehumanisation

invisibilise the
pile on
by trade unions, professional associations, teachers, academics, artists, journalists, all suddenly and
myopically focussed on their shadow aspects of self projected onto Israel. Safe. easy. Convenient.
How many Israel lovers you gonna rub shoulders with at work or in your book club?

invisibilise the war in Sudan
8.5 million on brink of starvation
and Yemen, Xianjing, Tibet, Myanmar
no poems for them
no self righteous indignation
no resolutions in council
no marches in the street

invisibilise the ecocide
the daily missiles made in Iran
setting zionist planted forests ablaze and driving
terrified jackals and hedgehogs and lizards who manage to escape the flames towards the illusion of
the fruit
rotting on the trees
farmers unable to attend to their crops

invisibile the kidnapped,
the raped and then murdered
a red haired baby and toddler bother, whole family
snatched out of their home
whereabouts unknown
corpses of murdered Israelis left to rot
in subterranean tunnels

Judih Weinstein Haggai, seventy years old
an English teacher, poet, peace activist who worked with children with special needs. Used
meditation and mindfulness techniques to treat children suffering from anxiety caused by years of
rocket fire that have plagued residents of the Gaza border area. murdered with her 72 year old
husband Gadi Haggai on October 7,
along with Thai workers, Beduin,
Russian, French, US, UK, Ukranian nationals

the high on Captagon crazed Islamists
shoving machine gun barrels up the bloody vaginas
of the women they've just gang raped
or towing dissidents roped behind motorbikes
around the streets of gaza
throwing homosexuals and political rivals off
rooftops, enforcing a terrible homogenity and
preaching maediaval blood libels
and then
weave some kind of fairy tale that this
regressive barbarism
"the resistance"

close one eye
so you only see gaza
not the other side of the border
so you don't see the North of Israel
depopulated by more missiles than the blitz
150 000 more
pointing at you

close one eye
so you only see the snippet
not the before or after

close both eyes
so you don't see yourself
staring back at you in the mirror
preaching and sanctimoniously stealing
your cheap and easy rectitude

one thing I know for sure
if you sat where Israelis sat
you'd be doing a whole lot
worse than them

Monday, August 5, 2024

Politically correct ad for educating around informed consent

VO "Get the you know when consent has been given?

VISUALS all kinds of couples for inclusivity - gay couples,  a person in a wheelchair with a partner who has both breasts and a penis, multi ethnic lesbian couples, a pair of wrinkled and naked 80 year olds embracing as one balances themselves with a walking stick, 

CUT TO hetrosexual younger couple are having at it, making the beast with two backs, the female urges the man on, yes yes yes, he is pumping away, intense passion, 

Her: yes yes yes darling, fuck me....

he groans she moans, she groans , he moans....

Him: oohh I'm about to ...

Her: STOP, STOP, I withdraw consent. 

Him: I'm coming oooh.....sorry, sorry too late

Her: you bastard , you raped me.

Freeze frame of this scene; big red graphic over it ...

Consent has not been given! this is stautory rape! 

Naked man is taken away in handcuffs cupping his penis as best he can

Monday, May 20, 2024

Notes towards poems 5784 -5

FB 12 Oct

People in Australia
sipping cappucinos
in outdoor cafes

are demanding that
people in Israel
in bombshelters
or lying on roads
hands covering their heads
as explosions and shrapnel
fill the sky
explain what they are doing
to protect the lives
of the people raining missiles down
upon them


FB Oct 10 24

As the light was fading
looking at the bay
and the big jet liners
coming into land
I stood there
"please Hashem
please Hashem"

and I did not even know
what I was asking for

fb Oct 10

funeral costs:
once in a lifetime expenses


FB Oct 7 2024

I'm making my
new space
ordered and functional
and comfortable
assembling Ikea
hanging up pictures
potting plants
feathering my nest
for myself and any guests
pouring my heart into it
to make it home
and the thought pops up
what if I'd been doing this
for many years
and someone came
into my safe space
my inner sanctum
and tried to undo my care
and violate, in every way,
my tender love?
October 7 2023


fb Oct 1

techiyat hamaytim (revival of the dead)
after the arid
shabbat morning
at last
the brocha
every one eating
and talking

FB Sept 29 24

Sunday evening
7:35 pm
bunnings or coles or woolworths
even the couples
walking down the aisle
look lonely


Sept 28

I drove
into the night
into loneliness
into its



invisibilise decades of trauma
plo massacres of school children
Israeli athletes castrated
by Black September
Invisibilise the psychic wounds
the open woundings, a synechdocal sample: 1979
4 year old Einat Haran, skull smashed in by samir kuntar, who murders her father Danny Haran, baby sister Yael Haran suffocates to death while terrified mother tries to keep her from crying and revealing their hiding place.
upshot? upon release from Israeli prison in prisoner exchange kuntar awarded Syria's highest medal and honoured by Iranian President mahmoud ahmadinejad,

invisibilise the successful
torpedoing of the Oslo accords by
wave after wave
of hamas suicide bombings
blowing up teenagers at a
leaving dancers armless and legless
or pensioners at a pesach seder
hands trembling a little
as they navigate
spoon to mouth and then trembling no more
bits of flesh in the chandeliers

twisted buses, twisted busstops
charred bodies, only dna
may establish who they were
as they headed to market
to buy tomatoes and cucumbers

invisibilise the stabbings
teenagers taken to caves
their hands bound, bodies punctured
with knife wounds

bombs backed with rusty nails
and bolts to tear flesh apart

invisibilise 19 year old
Ori Ansbacher
raped and murdered while walking home
"the Zionist bitch deserved it, she had the temerity
to live in the land of her ancestors"
later the grove planted in her memory destroyed by Palestinian vandals.

invisibilise the psychological torture, the television threats
"we'll destroy you just as you were destroyed 75
years ago",
invisibilise the relentless cyber attacks
the gross charicatures, the demonisation, the dehumanisation

invisibilise the
pile on
by trade unions, professional associations, teachers, academics, artists, journalists, all suddenly and myopically focussed on their shadow aspects of self projected onto Israel. Safe. easy. Convenient. How many Israel lovers you gonna rub shoulders with at work or in your book club?

invisibilise the war in Sudan
8.5 million on brink of starvation
and Yemen, Xianjing, Tibet, Myanmar
no poems for them
no self righteous indignation
no resolutions in council
no marches in the street

invisibilise the ecocide
the daily missiles made in Iran
setting zionist planted forests ablaze and driving
terrified jackals and hedgehogs and lizards who manage to escape the flames towards the illusion of safety
the fruit
rotting on the trees
farmers unable to attend to their crops

invisibile the kidnapped,
the raped and then murdered
a red haired baby and toddler bother, whole family
snatched out of their home
whereabouts unknown

Judih Weinstein Haggai, seventy years old
an English teacher, poet, peace activist who worked with children with special needs. Used meditation and mindfulness techniques to treat children suffering from anxiety caused by years of rocket fire that have plagued residents of the Gaza border area. murdered with her 72 year ol husband Gadi Haggai on October 7,
along with Thai workers, Beduin, Russian, French, US, UK, Ukranian
corpses of murdered Israelis left to rot
in subterranean tunnels

the high on Captagon crazed Islamists
shoving machine gun barrels up the bloody vaginas
of the women they've just gang raped
or towing dissidents roped behind motorbikes
around the streets of gaza
throwing homosexuals and political rivals off
rooftops, enforcing a terrible homogenity and
preaching maediaval blood libels
and then
weave some kind of fairy tale that this
regressive barbarism
"the resistance"

close one eye
so you only see gaza
not the other side of the border
so you don't see the North of Israel
depopulated by more missiles than the blitz
150 000 more
pointing at you

close one eye
so you only see the snippet
not the before or after

close both eyes
so you don't see yourself
staring back at you in the mirror
preaching and sanctimoniously stealing
your cheap and easy rectitude

one thing I know for sure
if you sat where Israelis sat
you'd be doing a whole lot
worse than them

From FB July 17 24

I drifted
in the inky
of interstellar

and pumping
with legs
and arms
to draw closer
to one of those
distant lights
but no matter
the effort, I
seemed to remain
dark years

I stopped
and floated
in the

FB 20 August

Glad Tidings

The first cockroach

of spring

welcome brother

(or is it sister?)

16 Aug FB

when getting naked

the last garments

we remove









emerged from

the sea

and when the time 

was right



ה נתן

ה לקח

יהי ה מבורך מעתה ועד עולם 

The Omnipresent has given

The Omnipresent has taken

beyond space and time 

The Omnipresent is beautiful



washed her 

up on the shore

and when the tide receded

took her back


FB August 14

when people ask me
what I do
I say
I am a juggler


FB August 8

I was unemployed
but then I went to a dog park
and a kelpie hired me
as his ball thrower

FB August 7

בין הלידה
יש רגעי חסד
ורגעי אושר
ולחיים אין הפכים
birth and death
moments of kindness
moments of joy
and Life
which has no opposite
in the meantime
while looking for
my anchor
my kehilah
my sanga
I anchor others


FB 4 August

In a relationship
with the clouds
the grass
my breath

July 31

Falling awake

I dozed off 
to the lecture
on enlightenment


FB July 28

a quiet light
shines just as bright

July 17 2024

Just to hear a voice she spoke

to kiss
to embrace
what is ageless

undiscovered always fresh
light as a giggle
like a newborn foal (FB July 13 2024)
The way consumerism
grinds you down
with its special character
and one Capital
with its
"laziness penalty"
insurance premium increases premiocre products
with its debit orders
that drain,
while you sleep,
your bank account
with its
meaningless choices
inadequacy advertising
and sticky web
of "buy now pay later"
that waters addiction
and lays you down
on astroturf
with its trailing commissions
and hungry functionaries
power dressed
to hide transaction fees
with its scripted call centres
permanently experiencing
higher than usual
call volumes
The way consumerism
can wear you down
with its facsimile of service
its worship of convenience
its pretence of consultation
with its funnelling customers
and marketing metrics
and mountains of junk
just beyond the back door

with its spiralling
and tales told by idiots
full of sound and fury
signifying nothing

Nisargadatta I Am That

We begin with

and they all lived happily ever after 

and then slowly dial it back

to include 

mom dead at 53


non viable piglets bashed into concrete floor (cheapest)

degenerative diseases

random acts of cruelty and seemingly 

senseless acts of destruction

trajectory into addiction and self-harm

distorted thinking, 

pregnant couple slain by teenage driver

double anal penetration for your voyeuristic pleasure

and we want to go back

to Adam and Chavah 

and the lion and the lamb

naked and unashamed 

in the garden of innocence

cogniscent that 

The Self cares nothing 

for name and form,

underneath this shadowy horror play,

I yearn to see the holiness and the wholeness

the kindness that is mighty and invincible

the clarity and charity that dissolves madness

the rock steady reality beyond, behind, between, inside, 

not indifferent to, but untouched by

both nightmares and sweet dreams


Every day

for four years

I've been driving home

past the same trees

quietly living their lives

without ever considering their 


how they came to be there

how they spend their time

are they pleased

that bird chose them

who else have they 


come and go?


when I tell myself

my dog is bored

as she lies and patiently waits 

I tend to feel guilty

but when I tell myself she's in dog samadhi - happy just to be, and being this thought comforts me


Samadhi - In yoga regarded as a state in which union with the divine is realised (before or at death).


I am an ageing
Lord Krishna
cavorting with the gopis
they hug me
embrace me,

see me as I am

(FB July 15 2024)


Let me tell you this
my child
the body will
not survive
and yet
all is well

the more isolation
the more addiction
the more addiction
the more isolation
'til something

(FB July 14 2024)


am in high
on dating apps
with 80 year old
great grandmothers
and hungry

gay men
(FB July 14 or 15 2024)

A poem for sleepless knights

Sleepless knights 

if they still believe 

in chivalry 

seek it from

a blister pack

toss and turn

watch netflix

stare at their phones

count windmills

paddle to the loo

fight battles

count their wounds

try to shed their armour

wait for sleep

or the dawn



I meet a man

at spit bridge

of similar age

also walking with his 


who works for marine rescue

and who recently freed

a pelican that had become

ensnared in fishing line

that fishers carelessly

leave ( with rusty hooks)

on rocks and piers and jettys, 

(he had to throw a towel over it's  head, to calm it)

and we talked about how

we are always picking up 

plastic rubbish at our

local beaches

before it goes back into

the ocean to despoil and


and then we wished each other


and parted ways

and little did he know or suspect

that I am a Zionist


I arranged an inter-faith
for all the. G-ds
but seating arrangements
proved difficult
as there was room
for only

Declaration of The Faith

Allah Hoo Akbar!
G-d is great!



הבדידות הולכת איתי
לכל מקום
אני אף פעם
לא בודד

ענן של עצב
התישב עלי
אבל אני נשארתי
שדה פתוח

ענן של עצב
התישב עלי
והוריד דמעות -
גשמי ברכה

The Butterfly Defect
Because of
Iran's war
upon Israel
A Jewish student
in Canberra
was kicked out
of her sharehousell react

The uplights
on the path
meant to show the way
blinded me
so what was once vaguely discernable
became impossible to see

אני רוצה
להיות איתך

both the known
and the apparent
are held in knowing
which can never
be known

Many of us
before we can begin
some focused task
- marking student papers
- doing our tax
- changing the brake pads
need to get ourselves into the zone
- by sharpening pencils
- raking the leaves
- cleansing the bench tops
and those focused, demanding, necessary tasks
we have avoided for days
or months
or years
are themselves preparatory tasks
for the quiet that settles
when the task is done

from fb April 28th

tis an ancient mariner
and he stoppeth one of three
and he says: "I've lost my dog
but now she roameth free"

Ella's hairs
and associated sand
and garden debris
from the couch
almost six weeks
since she dropped
her body
I feel momentarily
and miss her warm
and loving presence
friend if only
I could hug you once again

FB 27 April 24

am curious
at least for a while
to have access to
the secret life
of other peoples bodies
their rythms
and responses

FB 21 April 24

Riddle me riddle me ree:
as soon as you are going towards it
you are going away from it

I went to

a singles gathering

perhaps driven there

by something I could

approximate as too

much time spent

with my own 

overly familiar

interior conversation

and ended up 

trapped in an

exchange of phatic


with a group of large 


in tent like dresses

with weathered faces

and deep gravelly voices

and hands like shovels

that could have knocked me out cold

with one punch

feeling light headed

as if I had slipped


into my own drink

I  managed to escape

in the nick of time


market forces

have got to

the honey suckle

the jasmin

and the frangipani

please tap

or swipe


to release

their scent


First there was just G-d

then there was me and G-d

then there was me, a wife, and G-d

then there was me, a wife, a family, and G-d

then there was me, a wife, a family, a dog, and G-d

then there was me, half a family, a dog, and G-d

then there was me, a dog, and G-d

then there was just me and G-d

then there was just G-d


In the night

G-d scatters leaves

upon the carpet of the lawn

so that in the morning

the wedding

of first light

can take place

once again



is beautiful

in their own way

and everyone

has someone

who cared about them

at least once

the whole world

is built from loving grace

I don't know how 

but I’d like to believe

that even cancer particles

are kindness 

in disguise


some journeys

need to be made on your own

in order to realise what holds both 

together and alone


Confusion I

I've been to the west and I've been to the east 

and I'm bloated with spirit like a warm bowl of yeast

I've been to the ashram, I've been on retreat

I've sat in the silence, I've stopped eating meat

I'm so enlightened I can't find my head

perhaps it has rolled away under the bed

I've been to satsang and I've been such a whore

and yet I'm no settled than I was before



I was on a plane

everything was smooth

then we flew into a cloud

soft and fluffy and pink.

I got lost in that cloud

whatever was outside 

was unimportant

we lost altitude

I didn’t care

cloud, cloud and more cloud

oooooooh...  cloud

then we popped out of cloud

or cloud popped out of me

the air was thin and clear

hopefully I scanned the horizon 

for cloud


Running the City to Surf 

The city to surf I ran alone 

without a true friend 

without a true home 

plasticup shards 

formed an angry sea 

dark footprint of human

loomed over me 

from the barbies 

the ex cows asked 


"what has all this to do with me?" 


In Memoriam: Eli 

I knew a kibbutznik

who worked in the laundry by day

And at night slipped little poems under peoples’ doors

regarded as eccentric,

as happens in small communities,

he was gossiped about

in the dining room

or after passing on the path.

he handed me a little booklet of his poems

photocopied and stapled

and I might still have it 



Psalm of Immanuel


come back into your sockets

cheeks release

your taughtened lips 

hands unfurl

your clutching fingers

mind please

drop your story 

make way for the 

King of Glory



the all new impressa

will take happy families

on holidays

turn into the driveways

of manicured houses

pull up at hotels

ford rivers and forests

on endless adventures

will never take you

to a job you hate

to a hospital

to a divorce lawyer

to a vehicle accident

to a cemetery


I called the call centre

I was feeling so bad

but then had one of the most wonderful interactions

I've ever had

Guided by voice prompts I gave my date of birth and ID

eventually I heard a click, and a voice spoke to me:

"Did you know  it said, "by taking your query online"

"you can save yourself a lot of valuable time"

Then they kindly played me a soothing tune

while I paced up and down

between the walls of my room

I boiled the kettle

made a nice cup of tea

watched a game show ep

upon the tv

did some gardening, fixed a tap

fed the dog who then

fell asleep in my lap

I started feeling a little perturbed

although I couldn't say why

I searched for help on the the website

till my eyes were red and dry

while they played more soothing music

and I clutched onto that phone

I suppose that song repeating

became a kind of glassy drone

on the plus side it helped me feel

slightly less alone

my eyes were getting heavy when after an hour or so

the music stopped and a human voice said something soft and low

"good morning,,,er good there anyone there...hello?

"I'm  have this problem" I gabbled "at a really critical time"

"I've tried the website, I've read the manual, but I cannot get back online."

"oh we can certainly help you with that tonight

can I just grab your name if that's all right"

"My name is Shachar", I said, "it just stopped"

"I was working and suddenly the connection dropped

And it hasn’t come back, no matter what I’ve done

Rebooted, reentered, debugged - its just gone"

"My name is Michelle,we can certainly help you today

But first a few security questions if I may."

I relaxed, felt relieved, we were moving along

this woman would sort out whatever was wrong

"Your password please, ends in 13 zeroes...?"

"my password" I stuttered,  "I don't recall one of those."

"That’s all right, your birth date and id number will do"

"But I’ve given them already, your cueing system asked me to

You’ve been very helpful, you’re awfully nice

But why do you have to capture things twice?"

"Its for your own safety, the calls are recorded

They’re logged and encoded, in case you’re defrauded

I gave her my id, I gave my date of birth

Gave my address, my weight, my girth

“thank you so much for that Suker”


“Sorry, Sucker, now why were you calling this afternoon” she said

“Eeets because, medem, aish, my modem router, she is dead”

"Sorry, what did you say", Michelle's voice came down the line

would you prefer to call back at a more convenient time?"

"No I want this resolved now, I want you to sort it out!"

 "All right" said Michelle, "there's no need to shout"

I looked out the window

I looked at a tree

It seemed to be much much

much calmer

than me…

(to be continued hopefully)


Moral Narcissism: “Pro Palestinian” encampment 2024

In the name of


we exclude you

in the name of inclusion

we other you

in the name of diversity

we cancel you

in the name of humanity

we dehumanise you


I sent my poems

to a dying man

so that like pharoh

they would accompany him

into the next world



when the universe catches you

in its safety net,

and you bounce

up and down

a few times,

and sigh

and all the vigilance

stored in the body


and you wonder

why you waited

so long

but know it was fear,

and you glimpse

the ocean of beneficence

waiting to carry you

to places

more alive

than any


if somehow

in your clown shoes

you found it in you

to shuffle

to the edge

and fall


time took my black head of hair

time took my first guitar

time took away

my innocence

now if time will take

away my "my"

what will remain

and to whom will it belong?



Seeking immunity


or crude

seeking immunity

from covid

and flu

seeking immunity

from suffering

and pain

seeking immunity

from the transient


hook me up

with eternity




come out Immanuel

from under your rock

come out and take

the air

come out Immanuel

from your pretty green eyes

come out to see

what's here

come out Immanuel

from inside your shell

come out and

wave your claws

come out Immanuel

from the cave where you hide

come out to Life's

sorrow and joys



Back to Basics

I chatted 

about the romantic poets

short stories

journals, competitions


the young woman

with well manicured


and tight pants

who works at

the chicken shop 

next door

and is studying


at university

and thought

how sweet

was the visible outline

of her cunt


I am driving through
hilly forests
on a winding green
arched road
and alongside me
a woman I am easy with
who has large lactating breasts
and every 5kms or so
we pull over
and she feeds me

Poetry as Punishment

I have a friend

who went to a school

where misdemeanours

were punished

by the principal

by giving pupils

a poem to learn

off by heart

such as

"The Man from Snowy River"

or "The Lady of Shallot"

which then had

to be recited

to the whole school

at assembly

and while some things

have faded

the punishment poems

remain with them

'til this day

for me too

poetry is a punishment

for thinking and feeling 

that has not been forgotten

until this day
