Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Israeli Carpet Hound - more about the breed

 The Israeli Carpet Hound is a bred for purpose large, mostly gentle, working dog who has been specifically designed for specific tasks such as

- licking its owner and anyone else it can get its tongue on
- couch snoozing, surfing and snuggling
- light barking duties (birds, bikes, buses, postpeople etc)
- leg humping
- prewash of used dishes and pots 
- foraging and fossicking in bins and abandoned take-away-packaging .

The hound is named for its carpet like coat, peyot (long sidelock) ears, mane, human eyes, agricultural skills, and paws-on approach. The creature in the film " never ending story" was modelled on this dog.

A big beast, it stands about six feet tall at the withers, is long of leg, modestly waisted, and with a large curvaceous chest. Uniquely, this dog only comes in one gender, a she male.

The dog has some idiosyncratic behaviours, such as stealing other dogs' balls, and carefully burying discarded apple cores it finds on walks in neighbourhoods it is unlikely to return to.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Poems 5782-2022/3


please don't call
my bluff
allow me to retain
the pretence
of being a person
for a large while
longer FB Sept 20 2023

The Israeli Carpet Hound - Characteristics and Quirks

 This ancient and noble breed has warmed the heart and feet of Israelis for over 4000 years.