Last night on ABC's Lateline uncritical anchor Emma Alberici
“interviewed’ an embedded Palestinian journalist in Gaza whose dubious
interpretations included some inaccurate and exaggerated statistics re
both the number of Palestinian casualties, and the number of supposed
civilians amongst these. These made up figures were supplied for both
Operation Cast Lead and the current attempts to halt Palestinian missiles. This
was followed by a long “interview” with an Arab academic at the American University,
Rami Khourie, who was not challenged even once, but simply given a platform to
spout fiction after fiction without being called out on any of these. For
example that the Arab world has essentially accepted Israel’s right to exist,
and has ceased to attack, demonize, delegitimize, and discriminate against
Israel at every opportunity and in every international forum.
When questioned as to why Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan had
labelled Israel’s actions “terrorism” Khourie insightfully explained it was
because “Erdogan is not afraid of upsetting Israel.” The interview compliantly
nodded and then allowed Khourie to continue. Perhaps a more informed or
critical interviewer might have examined Turkey’s bid for leadership in the
Islamic world, and the way any Islamic leader can and does use anti-Israel
rhetoric to garner popular support; the more extreme the rhetoric, the greater
the knee-jerk support. A more critical interviewer might have examined how
governments throughout the region have used – and continue to use – popular
anger and identification with the Palestinian cause to distract from the more
immediate challenges they face.
Khourie’s basic thesis: the instability, corruption, low
productivity, lack off freedoms, factionalism, economic mismanagement, authoritarianism,
and general decay in much of the Sunni Arab world is no one’s fault but
Israel’s, and the growth of various forms of Islamic supremacism – from
Salafists to Al Kayda to the Moslem Brotherhood – is all Israel’s fault. It is
this very abdication of responsibility and culture of blaming the other which
continues to perpetuate systemic dysfunction in many of the societies Khourie
claims are now democracies. During the interview it seemed to me the meta text
unwittingly slipped out. The profound sense of inferiority felt by many (men?)
in the Arab world re the West, the resentment this engenders, and the
psychological need to eradicate “reminders” of this perceived inferiority, such
as Israel.
His thesis (his threat?) that Israeli intransigence has created radical
fundamentalism and that Israel had better deal with its current opponents
before worse ones come along can easily be reversed. It is the implacable
belligerence and hostility of the surrounding countries and populations which
has created, and continues to create, an increasingly radicalized and right
leaning Israel. It is not easy to persuade Israelis that further territorial
concessions and a Palestinian State will provide stability when ceded territory
becomes one giant launching pad for missiles and mortars.
I hope that at the least, Lateline will allow equal and
opposite views to be aired – for example an interview with celebrated Israeli
historian Benny Morris, or with journalist David Landau (formerly Haaretz
editor), and give them as much freedom and latitude to provide
alternative views of causality and consequence in this long running conflict.
Israeli victims of Palestinian torture ...
Israeli victims of Palestinian torture ...